Laboratory Overview

About BMPE

         Our laboratory was established in 1980 within the School of Engineering, and since then we have focused our research interests towards biomedical engineering.
          Under close cooperation between the Department of Precision Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, and the Biomedical Engineering RS Center, we are currently performing education and research in the field of biomedical engineering to assist diagnosis, treatment, and fundamental medicine. Our research and development in the broad field of medical technologies is made possible by cooperation of staffs and members who are from wide backgrounds. Close coordination with clinical medicine is crucial upon research in the biomedical engineering field, and therefore we actively promote joint research with foreign institutes as well, for example The University of Tokyo Hospital, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Translational Systems Biology and Medicine Initiative and its successive projects, and our joint project on arrhythmia treatment with the Nagoya University Research Institute of Environmental Medicine. We also work with Tokyo Women's Medical University, National Cancer Center Japan, and Kyushu University Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
          To support our research, we have our own surgical supporting devices such as a diagnostic ultrasound imaging system, stereoscupic endoscopy apparatus, and an optical and magnetic tracking systems. We also have achemical synthesis room for development of novel biomaterials, and an ultrashort pulse laser and a high speed camera for analysis of physiological responses of cells to physical energies. Also, we posess our own NC milling machine, wire-cut electric discharge machine, 3D printer to efficiently fabricate small pieces necessary for the devices in development.